Primary School Refurbishment
Client: Morgan Sindall
Measures: Render
Location: Attleborough, Norfolk
Date: May – June 2018
Value: Approx. £22,000
The Challenge
Cornerstone was engaged by main contractor Morgan Sindall to install external wall insulation on two buildings as part of a larger refurbishment programme at Attleborough Primary School in Attleborough, Norfolk.
After providing a competitive quotation and providing expert technical advice, we were contracted to install a Permarock system in two separate phases on one new build development and pre-existing set of classrooms.
The main challenge was to complete the insulation works with minimal disruption to the school, which was in full use by over 400 pupils throughout the duration of our contract.
Our Solution
The first phase of works was involved the installation of 167m2 of 50mm external wall insulation on the older building, which we delivered over a two week period in late May and early June. The second phase was to install 40m2 of 170mm EWI on the new build property, which was completed within a week in late June.
In recognition of the particular nature of the site, we adapted a number of our working practices to ensure disruption to the school was minimised. For example, we ensured that deliveries to site avoid school start and end times of 8am-9am and 3pm-4pm.
We also provided our experienced team with an enhanced refresher session of our Code of Conduct toolbox talk prior to their deployment.
The Result
All works were delivered to a uniformly high standard, achieving a clean and bright white finish that provided an instant lift to the older building in particular.
Attleborough Primary School was so impressed with our work that they asked us to return and install the same insulated render system on an elevation within an internal quadrangle, accessible only via the school building. Cornerstone agreed and completed this additional work – approximately 25m2 - during the school holidays in order to avoid disruption for pupils.
On conclusion of the project, Morgan Sindall issued us with a certificate of ‘Perfect Delivery’ in recognition of the ‘exceptional customer experience’ that we provided.
A total of 232m2 wall area was externally insulated
‘I have enjoyed working with Cornerstone and would very happily do so again.’
– Ken Bassett, Senior Site Manager