Specialist Installers of Gas, Oil and Electric Heating
A typical UK household spends more than half of their fuel bills on heating and hot water. An efficient and cost effective heating system is therefore vital to minimise this cost, and is also the main step you can take to reduce your domestic carbon dioxide emissions.
The most common form of heating in the UK is gas central heating, whereby a single gas fired boiler heats up water this is pumped through pipes to a set of radiators as well as to bathroom and kitchen taps. Central heating systems can also run on oil, LPG (bottled gas), coal or wood, although mains gas is the cheapest. Some boilers also have an electric immersion heater as a back-up. Some homes have electric storage heaters instead of central heating systems, or use individual heaters.
The replacement of an old boiler with a new efficient model can save you up to £320 a year on your energy bills*. The key benefits of a boiler or heating system upgrade include:
In addition to replacing your heating system with a newer and more efficient model, switching to a cheaper fuel type or technology, fitting better controls and insulating or draught proofing your property can also reduce fuel costs.
Cornerstone’s Gas Safe technicians have installed new boilers and full heating systems in hundreds of properties. We are able to install gas, oil and renewables systems, as well as high efficiency storage heaters.
When purchasing a new boiler, you have the option of a regular or combi boiler. Most regular boilers store hot water in a separate cylinder, rather than providing it directly from the boiler; combi boilers produce water directly and don’t need a cylinder. A regular boiler is generally more suited to larger households using lots of water, while combi boilers are more appropriate for smaller households or those with restricted space.
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All gas boilers fitted since 2005 are generally efficient condensing boilers; these generally have a plastic flue, as well as a plastic pipe coming out of the bottom, through the wall and into a drain. Oil boilers installed after 2007 are generally condensing boilers.
An older boiler is less efficient than a new boiler because some of the heat produced is lost through gases released from the flue. New boilers are condensing and have a bigger heat exchanger. This means more heat is recovered and only cooler gases are released from the flue, making it more efficient. At times, the gases in the flue will be so cool that the water vapour condenses, recovering even more energy, and making the boiler even more efficient.
A gas boiler is likely to be the cheapest heating option if you already have mains gas.
If you don’t have a gas connection, the company that owns and operates the gas network in your area will be able to advise whether a new connection is possible. Depending on your circumstances, the cost of the connection may be fully or partially funded.
If you don’t have access to mains gas, low carbon heating options such as a heat pump or biomass might be the cheapest options.
Cornerstone has installed hundreds of heating systems, including gas, oil and electric
Approximate Annual Energy Bill Savings*
Save around £320
*Figures from the Energy Saving Trust, based on replacing a G rated boiler with a programmer and room thermostat with a new A-rated condensing boiler with a programmer, room thermostat and thermostatic radiator controls (TRVs) in a gas-heated home. Savings will vary depending on the size and thermal performance of your home. Figures are based on fuel prices as of April 2017.
Approximate Annual Energy Bill Savings*
Save around £180
*Figures from the Energy Saving Trust, based on replacing a G rated boiler with a programmer and room thermostat with a new A-rated condensing boiler with a programmer, room thermostat and thermostatic radiator controls (TRVs) in a gas-heated home. Savings will vary depending on the size and thermal performance of your home. Figures are based on fuel prices as of April 2017.
Depending on your households circumstances, funding could be available to contribute towards the cost of your boiler or heating system replacement. Finance options are also available.
Cornerstone is based in East Anglia and can generally provide services from individual installation level upwards in the following locations:
Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Bedfordshire, Lincolnshire, London, Kent, Sussex, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Nottinghamshire
However, we can deliver larger projects across the length and breadth of mainland England, from the South West to the North East.